Like totally.
不偏不倚便把我们载到了Lim Chu Kang Road!
原本还以为是我最最最最最最最讨厌的Sarimbun Scouts Camp,
原来Camp Christine就坐落在Sarimbun的对面=.=
I don't know if everyone here has been there before, but...
for those who haven't:
1) It's basically Girl Guide's campsite.
2) It's near where we did our 22jie orientation zigengdi.
3) Wonderful. It has dogshit, a lot, on the grasspatch.
4) It's dormitory is like damn cool.
5) Don't try to escape because you will never find your way out, even simply to the main road.
6) Don't worry because you have two other campsites surrounding you.
7) 2 Bathroom units per block =) But one whole row of bathrooms that are presumably reserved for girls... (Since it's a guide's camp)
8) You can see the sea!
9) They have like quite hilarious naems for the blocks. I rmb one of them is called "Our Chalet" ...
10) Handicapped facilities!
So it's quite cool la the place XD
发贴者:Ev@nEyF @ 10:34