2)自耕地的负责人,请在培训之前,完成你们Proposal, 才能在培训是给婉婷姐看。
There is a peixun for zigengdi with the following details below.
Date: 22 November, Saturday
Time: 11am - 1pm
Venue: Training room 2.1
Speaker: Wanting qie
There will be no tables in the training room, only chairs. Bring a hard surface like a file to take notes on if necessary.
Do come early, say 10.50am and assemble in zhoubaoshi. Zikun will come over to get you guys once the room is open.
3)还有,24号的sentosa gathering,请负责人在确认好一切后经快将details post上来,确认出席人数,去什么地方,几点集合,等等。。。
4)那些出国的人,请将出国的日期通知contacts方便他们take note.
5)还有blog, 为什么只有立宁在post,全部人都去哪了?我要看见人人人!
发贴者:奇异王--美微 @ 14:24